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Sarkel's Hus 

Sarkels hus - udstillingSarkels HusA patrician home from about 1900 form the basis of an untraditional antiques shop. We always welcome you. Take your time to look at the selection of: Furniture, glass, porcelain, lamps, silver, embroidery and more.

Odensevej 1 - DK 5300 Kerteminde - Tel. (+45) 65 32 16 18
Open: Sunday: 11.00 - 17.30      Monday - friday: 10.00 - 17.30
As we from september to march during periods exhibit at the leading Danish antique exhibitions and we don't want you to come in vain, we recommend to call in advance before your trip goes to Kerteminde.
Member of "The Trade Association of Danish Antique Dealers"


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